May be an image of 1 person, child and indoor

It is estimated that over 50% of jobs in the next decade will require a significant amount of STEM skills as the world battles with a myriad of challenges ranging from climate change to disease and alternative energy.
But how STEM-deprived are our public schools and children living in low-income communities? It is every child’s right to education – an education that develops the full potential of a child.
We are concerned about the children the world is leaving behind – either as future innovators or simply employees not skilled-up for the future of work.
We are concerned about the Ajegunle child and how they’ll fit into this fast evolving STEM-skill driven world of work.
Nonetheless, we are excited about our other STEM programs for them at the library, and how their curiosity has been sparked up such that they never get tired of asking for the VR goggle to explore science. Of about 900 registered children library users here, 98% of them are having their first encounter with STEM hands-on activities.
It’s more than a library for us, it’s a place where education inequality gap is bridged, ensuring no child is left behind. This library is FREE for under 12’s and located at 257, Ojo Road, by Oja Bus-stop, Ajegunle-Apapa, Lagos.